Multi-Task Feature Learning for Knowledge Graph Enhanced Recommendation

WWW 2019

MKR将KG和RS看做两个不同的学习任务,提出了cross&compress unit。能够显式的捕获item和entities之间的高阶交互,并且自动在两个学习任务中控制cross knowledge。

Collaborative filtering often suffers from sparsity and cold start problems in real recommendation scenarios, therefore, researchers and engineers usually use side information to address the issues and improve the performance of recommender systems. In this paper, we consider knowledge graphs as the source of side information. We propose MKR, a Multi-task feature learning approach for Knowledge graph enhanced Recommendation. MKR is a deep end-to-end framework that utilizes knowledge graph embedding task to assist recommendation task. The two tasks are associated by cross&compress units, which automatically share latent features and learn high-order interactions between items in recommender systems and entities in the knowledge graph. We prove that cross&compress units have sufficient capability of polynomial approximation, and show that MKR is a generalized framework over several representative methods of recommender systems and multi-task learning. Through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that MKR achieves substantial gains in movie, book, music, and news recommendation, over state-of-the-art baselines. MKR is also shown to be able to maintain a decent performance even if user-item interactions are sparse.


Method:为了解决上面的问题,MKR,将基于KG的推荐问题看做多任务学习问题。multi-task learning (MTL)。在KG上的学习和在推荐上的学习任务不是完全独立的。在文献Learning Multiple Tasks with Multilinear Relationship Networks中提到了,一个item和它对应的entities,在RS和KG上可能具有相近的结构,并且可能在任务无关的特征空间中共享相似的特征。

Therefore, an item and its corresponding entity are likely to have a similar proximity structure in RS and KG, and share similar features in low-level and non-task-specific latent feature spaces.

MKR提出了cross&compress unit。能够显式的捕获item和entities之间的高阶交互,并且自动在两个学习任务中控制cross knowledge。


总体而言,两个学习任务,两个学习任务之间的item和entities经过cross&compress unit进行学习,用户user和KG中的relation都是经过MLP进行学习。两个学习任务意味着两个loss。


那么核心创新点就是cross&compress unit,看一下式子。


对于item和entities进行tensor dot,不同维度之间相乘,捕获pairwise的interaction。


将feature interaction matrix,投影到item和entities的不同feature space中:
