


  1. 熵,维基百科
  2. sigmoid函数推导,知乎
  3. 一文详解Softmax函数,知乎
  4. S型函数,维基百科
  5. 信息熵越大,信息量到底是越大还是越小?,知乎
  6. softmax和cross-entropy是什么关系?


  1. sigmoid可以看做是神经网络输出\([p,0]\)的softmax变形\([e^x/(e^x+1), 1/(e^x+e^0)]\),只不过由于对应标签1的概率\(p\)是我们的期望值,另外一个0不做过多讨论。
  2. softmax+交叉熵基本是绑定的,这是因为会使得loss的计算和求导都更简单。
  3. 我们经常使用交叉熵,是因为它作为KL散度的核心变化部分,能够衡量输出分布和真实分布之间的差异。
  4. 使用softmax而不是hardmax的目的是期望能够让模型从不同类的预测值上获得更多的梯度。
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Image-embodied Knowledge Representation Learning


基于TransE的思想,为不同的entity学习一个额外的image embedding,然后image embedding和原来的entity embedding通过\(h+r\approx t\)评估三元组是否成立。

Entity images could provide significant visual information for knowledge representation learning. Most conventional methods learn knowledge representations merely from structured triples, ignoring rich visual information extracted from entity images. In this paper, we propose a novel Imageembodied Knowledge Representation Learning model (IKRL), where knowledge representations are learned with both triple facts and images. More specifically, we first construct representations for all images of an entity with a neural image encoder. These image representations are then integrated into an aggregated image-based representation via an attention-based method. We evaluate our IKRL models on knowledge graph completion and triple classification. Experimental results demonstrate that our models outperform all baselines on both tasks, which indicates the significance of visual information for knowledge representations and the capability of our models in learning knowledge representations with images.

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Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph Construction and Application: A Survey


Recent years have witnessed the resurgence of knowledge engineering which is featured by the fast growth of knowledge graphs. However, most of existing knowledge graphs are represented with pure symbols, which hurts the machine’s capability to understand the real world. The multi-modalization of knowledge graphs is an inevitable key step towards the realization of human-level machine intelligence. The results of this endeavor are Multi-modal Knowledge Graphs (MMKGs). In this survey on MMKGs constructed by texts and images, we first give definitions of MMKGs, followed with the preliminaries on multi-modal tasks and techniques. We then systematically review the challenges, progresses and opportunities on the construction and application of MMKGs respectively, with detailed analyses of the strength and weakness of different solutions. We finalize this survey with open research problems relevant to MMKGs.

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MMML Tutorial Challenge 6: Quantification


Empirical and theoretical study to better understand heterogeneity, cross-modal interactions, and the multimodal learning process.

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MMML Tutorial Challenge 4: Generation

generation的定义是生成raw modality,也就是说应该和input modalities是不同的modality:

Learning a generative process to produce raw modalities that reflects cross-modal interactions, structure, and coherence.

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MMML Tutorial Challenge 5: Transference


Transfer knowledge between modalities, usually to help the primary modality which may be noisy or with limited resources


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MMML Tutorial Challenge 3: Reasoning


Combining knowledge, usually through multiple inferential steps, exploiting multimodal alignment and problem structure.


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MMML Tutorial Challenge 2: Alignment


Identifying and modeling cross-modal connections between all elements of multiple modalities, building from the data structure.



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MMML Tutorial Challenge 1: Representation

Challenge 1 Representation:

Learning representations that reflect cross-modal interactions between individual elements, across different modalities.

Representation challenge有三个sub-challenge,Fusion、Coordination和Fission。

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CMU MML Tutorial Louis-Philippe Morency

MMML Tutorial: Introduction




但是现在,我们大多提到多模态,更多是在指multiple modalities。更准确的说是sensory modalities。

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