Learning In-context Learning for Named Entity Recognition

ACL 2023,中科院,代码

Named entity recognition in real-world applications suffers from the diversity of entity types, the emergence of new entity types, and the lack of high-quality annotations. To address the above problems, this paper proposes an in-context learning-based NER approach, which can effectively inject in-context NER ability into PLMs and recognize entities of novel types on-the-fly using only a few demonstrative instances. Specifically, we model PLMs as a meta-function λ instruction, demonstrations, text .M 1 , and a new entity extractor can be implicitly constructed by applying new instruction and demonstrations to PLMs, i.e., (λ.M)(instruction, demonstrations) → F where F will be a new entity extractor, i.e., F: text → entities. To inject the above in-context NER ability into PLMs, we propose a meta-function pre-training algorithm, which pre-trains PLMs by comparing the (instruction, demonstration)-initialized extractor with a surrogate golden extractor. Experimental results on 4 few-shot NER datasets show that our method can effectively inject in-context NER ability into PLMs and significantly outperforms the PLMs+fine-tuning counterparts.

作者提出了一种让小参数量的预训练语言模型学会针对NER任务的in-context learning的方法。

1. Introduction

少次NER任务的出现就是为了解决实体类型多样、新实体类型和高质量标注缺乏的问题。现有的少次NER方法包括fine-tuning-based和metric-based methods。

  • The main drawbacks of fine-tuning-based methods are that re-training is often expensive (especially for large-scale models) and new entity types cannot be addressed on-the-fly.
  • Metric-based methods are limited to the matching architectures and are sensitive to domain shift since they do not fully explore the information of target domain.


2. Method



为了让PLM能够根据demonstrations学会抽取新的实体类型,作者提出了Meta-Function Pre-training for In-Context NER。


因此,作者使用一个在demonstrations上进行参数更新的抽取模型作为替代(a surrogate extractor)。具体来说,在给定instruction \(I\), demonstration \(D\)和text \(T\)的情况下。先让PLM进行编码,获取到 \(I\), \(T\)的特征:

instruction \(I\)里包括了新的实体类型信息,text \(T\)包含了待抽取的文本信息。作者拿这两种feature去和一个经过了demonstrations训练后的模型,编码的特征靠拢:



作者除了一般的信息抽取任务的形式,还提出了一种Pseudo Extraction Language Modeling Task。因为有实体标注的数据和没有实体标注数据之间的比例差距很大。因此作者想办法从一般的句子中也能够仿照NER任务构造出未标注来。比如:

instruction="Target types:;"

demonstrations="Text: [MASK1] is cool and I really [MASK2] it [MASK3]. Entities: [MASK1] is . [MASK2] is "(原来的句子I think this movie is cool and I really like it very much)

text=“Text: I do not like it.”

要预测的输出output是”like is

将语言mask建模和span-based NER任务进行了统一。

3. Experiments



